Step 2: Defining Your USP

Behavioural Resistance May Change Your USP

There’s a phenomenon called “behavioural resistance” which may be the real reason your marketing may not be as successful as you think it should be!

If you feel like you’ve really dug in deep on your Target Person‘s needs and your USP but it’s still not working – this may be why!

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Your product or service may not be selling because of behavioural resistance.

In today’s video, I’m going to talk to you about something called behavioural resistance and why that might be what’s getting in the way of your marketing.

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Where I Heard About Behavioural Resistance

I want to talk to you about this thing called behavioural resistance and the reason I want to talk to you about it is that I was listening to this podcast a few weeks ago and it was talking about how doctors during covid have started taking up telemedicine a lot more. It’s meant that people can be treated for very simple, easy problems over the phone without having people come in and wait in a crowded office. They’ve had to do it because of covid.

The thing is telemedicine is not new. It’s not a new invention because of covid. It simply had more take-up because of covid. And the reason that doctors were not using it before was not because it’s less effective – this has proven that it is more effective – the reason that they weren’t doing it is because they had behavioural resistance. Which means they just didn’t like it. They weren’t used to doing it. Their behaviour had always been to see people in the office.

And, you know, in that particular example there are many reasons why a doctor may prefer to see someone in person, there may be lots of things they miss. But in the end, the data shows you that telemedicine works and it’s helped alleviate a lot of the problems in the medical system.

Why Does Behavioural Resistance Matter in Marketing?

Now, why does this matter in terms of marketing? Sometimes you might have a really good product, you might have defined your target person really well, you really understand their wants, needs, fears, and frustrations, your product absolutely solves a problem that they have, and you are absolutely like it’s ridiculously clear that this is the thing that they need… but because they haven’t done it before – because it’s new to them – that is the reason that they’re still not buying from you.

In the end you can write all of the great content that’s addressing those wants, needs, fears, and frustrations, but they’re still not going to take it up.

If Your Marketing Isn’t Working – Is It Because of Behavioural Resistance?

What I’m basically trying to say here is that if you are having a problem with your marketing, and you feel like your messaging is all completely on point, then try and maybe take a step back and look at it from a slightly different angle. Try and see whether there is a behavioural resistance problem.

See whether there is a way that people have always behaved, even if it’s completely irrational, and see if there’s a way that you can go in there and break down that behavioural resistance. That might be with some slightly clever marketing or maybe some kind of no-brainer offer to give them a way to break through that behavioural change.

I hope that kind of helps you see your marketing in a slightly different light if you’ve been feeling like you’ve been struggling a little bit.

If you’re still unsure and you need someone to bounce ideas off, please feel free to get in touch using the form below – I am happy to have a conversation with you even if it doesn’t mean work for me my whole thing is that I want to help people that need it.