Step 3: Choosing Your Channels

Is Google Ads Worth It?

This is such a common question that I’m always asked. Google is so ubiquitous it just seems ridiculously obvious that all businesses should jump on and try and flog their wares on there, right?

Maybe not! Here’s my quick take on what to consider before jumping into Google Ads.

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Should you be trying Google Ads?

Today I’m going to be talking about Google Ads and whether you should be trying them.

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My Experience with Google Ads

I have quite a bit of experience with Google Ads. In my last job, I was working on them all the time both with the clients that the business coaches were working with and for the business coaching firm itself.

And the fundamental answer, the short answer to “Should you be trying Google Ads?” is, “Yes.”

Let me explain why.

The Two Different Types of Ads

So, when it comes to ads there are two different sides of ads. There are Search ads and there are Interruption ads. These are two forms of marketing almost.

What is Interruption Marketing?

The idea here is that Interruption Marketing is all about getting in front of people when they’re not expecting it, when they’re not looking for your business. Things like Facebook ads, billboards, flyers – these are interruption marketing. Where you’re interrupting someone’s flow and trying to get their attention.

What is Search Marketing?

Search marketing on the other hand is when people are actively searching for what you are providing, or actively searching for something, and you then show up in front of that search to try and be the best one there.

There are pros and cons to each of these things and you may want to use different ones for different cases.

When Would You Use Interruption Marketing?

Interruption marketing is really great for brand awareness. It’s really great for getting in front of people that have a similar niche to the people that you’re looking for and maybe helping people find things that they may not even know that they want yet.

When Would You Use Search Marketing?

Search Marketing on the other hand is super, super effective in terms of ROI (return on investment). You’re getting in front of people that you know are looking for the thing that you’re selling. And this is where Google is the undoubted leader.

If You’re Considering Starting Google Ads…

Google Ads has always been super complicated to use. It will involve a bit of a learning curve, if you’re going to start using it. But it’s probable that your business, whatever you’re doing, will get some benefit from Google Ads.

That said, if you’re going to start Google Ads, be prepared to throw some money away first because there has to be a bit of a testing period. You have to spend about a month or two kind of figuring things out, so you have to be prepared to throw away about a month or two of budget.

How Much Budget Should You Use?

And how much budget should you be using? Well, how long is a piece of string, right? But I think as a minimum you should be looking to spend about £500 a month. So, if you don’t have £500 – you don’t have a £1000 – to throw away on a marketing strategy that might or might not work, don’t start Google Ads. You don’t have the resources to do that yet. Only once you are at a level where you’ve got the resources to be okay with throwing away a thousand pounds, that’s when you can start looking at Google Ads to amp up your marketing.

Google Ads Isn’t Your First Channel

And so, on that point, Google Ads is not a place to start. And this is really important, and I think Google would really disagree with me on this one, but I don’t think that Google Ads is a place to start your business. Google Ads is a place to amp it up.

The places to start your business are communities. Are to find the places where your target person hangs out and get in there. You need to be much, much more targeted with your initial marketing. Google Ads is a wider net.

And this is a key point that I think a lot of people don’t quite get about Google Ads. It isn’t a super narrow net. You aren’t able to target this really narrow group of people. It is much narrower than something like a billboard, but it is still quite a wide net and you need to be okay with kind of hooking in some people that aren’t going to buy from you.

If You Need to Find Out More

Now, Google Ads is a way bigger topic than I would want to cover in a video blog otherwise I could talk for hours and I have done entire hour-long workshops on Google Ads before.

So, if you’re thinking about Google Ads, if you’re not really sure, you want to hear a bit more about it, you want to get more into the nuts and bolts of bidding, and what kind of structure needs to happen on Google Ads – please, please get in touch.

I helped out Impact Hub with this, I helped out some other people with this, so please get in touch. I’m really happy to talk about Google Ads with you and find out whether it makes sense for your business.