Step 4: Creating Your Content Ideas

The 3P Copywriting Tip

Even the best writers cannot look at a blank page and produce fantastic copywriting.

The framework I explain in this video is something that you can apply to just about any piece of content you’re producing for your business to give your copywriting flow and strength.

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Let’s learn about the 3P copywriting technique!

In this video, I teach you a little framework that I learned right at the start of my career that has helped me constantly with writing copywriting in any medium.

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Copywriting is a Fundamental Marketing Skill

When it comes to copywriting it can be really difficult sometimes to figure out how you order stuff and what’s the best way to convey the information. And copywriting is a real fundamental skill in selling your product and in doing any kind of marketing. My first principle is Marketing is Education, Not Deception, and if you’re going to educate your customers about your product or service you need to learn how to write about it.

Where I Heard About the 3P Copywriting Framework

When I first started learning about marketing, I went to a marketing coach’s talk in LA. His name was Taki Moore. He was a coach for coaches, and I was working for business coaches at the time (they sent me to his workshop to learn). So, I learned a lot of my fundamental marketing from him.

One of the frameworks that he gave us during that workshop which stuck with me was the 3P framework for copywriting.

It’s called the 3P framework because it’s three words that start with P, haha fancy that!

Start with the Problem

The first P is Problem. When you start writing any copy the first thing you need to start with is the problem. This is where your research starts, your understanding of your target person – the ‘Step 1’ of the 5 Steps of you Content-Led Marketing Strategy that I’m always talking about, where you understand your target person – you need to know what are the problems that they have and, specifically the problems that they have that you are solving.

When you start any piece of copywriting start with the problem. Start with explaining the problem in better words than they can, and they will attribute the solution to you. That was what Taki Moore said to us and it’s entirely correct, it’s fundamental to marketing. Start with the problem.

Make Your Promise

The second P is Promise. So, once you’ve iterated what the problem is and they understand that you are addressing this problem for them, you then need to make a promise on how you are going to solve that problem. What is it that your product or service does that solves the problem that they have?

Show Them Proof

And then the last P is Proof. So, you’ve told them the problem, you’ve told them this is exactly how I’m going to help you with resolving that problem, now they want to know that you actually know what you’re talking about and that you have actually done it before.

Proof can come in the form of awards that you’ve won. Proof can come in the form of testimonials of happy clients. It can come in the form of PR and press that shows your recognition in society for what you do.

The best sort of proof, I think, is social proof. And that means that, when they can see it – if you’ve got reviews on Facebook, on Google, on LinkedIn, then these are places where they can see that real people have taken on board what you’ve offered and enjoyed it.

So that’s a really simple framework, I hope that helps you a little bit when you’re staring at a blank page and trying to figure out what to write. Just start with the Problem, Promise, Proof and I promise you, you will start to get a much clearer idea of what you need to write for whatever it is you’re writing.

If you need any help at all with this or if you want my input on your problem promise and proof, then please feel free to get in touch with me and I will be happy to help you out.