Step 4: Creating Your Content Ideas

Give Yourself Freedom to Think Up Content Marketing Ideas

When you’re crafting your content marketing strategy, step 4 involves coming up with the actual content ideas first.

Every entrepreneur has that practical part of their brain that starts to reign in the wild ideas so that they can actually get things done.

Here, I want you to put that part of your brain on mute for a second…

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You absolutely have to plan out your content before you start creating it.

Hi I’m DJ from Rainbow Dragon Digital and in this video I explain to you why Step Four of the content-led marketing strategy is a super important place to stop and separate from Step Five.

If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my YouTube I’d love to have you on my list to be hearing about when I release new videos.

What is Step Four of the Content-Led Marketing Strategy?

Step Four of the content-led marketing strategy is coming up with the content. Planning out the content that you’re going to create on this channel.

So, once you’ve understood your target person; defined your unique selling point, you’ve chosen the marketing channels that you’re going to communicate to those people on; you now need to start thinking about what content you need to create.

Expansive Thinking vs Reductive Thinking

I was listening to this podcast I think it was on the Marketing Meetup podcast and they were talking about how to get teams to create new ideas.

One of the things they were saying is that you should have separate meetings for what they called expansive thinking and practical reductive thinking.

What that means in simpler terms is separating out time for thinking about what you could achieve with unlimited resources – what could be done to sell your product on this channel.

And then in a separate meeting then start reducing it to what is actually possible within the means that you have.

Reductive Thinking Shuts Down Expansive Thinking

The reason that you need to separate out these two things is that as soon as you start introducing that reductive thinking you start shutting down the expansive thinking. You start shutting down the ideas when you start thinking about what is actually possible.

So take that step, slow it down, and just have a little brainstorming, creative session. What they call in corporate culture ‘blue sky thinking’. Think about all the sorts of things that could be done with this channel to really sell your product.

This Is A Good Time to Bring in Creative Marketing Expertise

If you feel like that you know that one of your strengths is being really organized, but one of your weaknesses is that you’re not that creative, this might be a really good time to pull in someone creative.

Whether that’s someone else on your team, whether it’s a friend, a volunteer, or whether it’s hiring a freelancer to help you, this is a good time to bring in that creative thought. Maybe even someone who understands the marketing channel a bit better than you.

This is a good time to bring them in and just figure out what kind of things could be created.

I Repeat: Do the Expansive Thinking First

I’m going to re-emphasise the point don’t worry yet about whether you can do it within your resources. Don’t worry whether you’ve got the equipment; whether you’ve got the time; whether you’ve got the money; whether you’ve got the space; whether you’ve you know got the ideas even; just start just start coming up with all sorts of things that could be done.

Then we’ll move on to Step Five where you start to plan this out into what can actually be done.

I hope you got a lot out of this post, if you have any questions or you want to talk to me please feel free to email me at or join the Facebook Group Marketing for the Many and I would love to hear about what you’re doing I’d love to help you out if I can.

Otherwise, please, subscribe to the newsletter in the footer channel if you haven’t already and enjoy the rest of the videos on the channel.