Ethical Marketing Philosophy

Newton Didn’t Discover Gravity

In school, you might have been taught that Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity when an apple fell upon his head.

But the truth is, he didn’t actually discover gravity… and what he actually did is a good way to understand how we think about marketing ethically!

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Newton did not discover gravity.

Hi, I’m DJ from Rainbow Dragon Digital and today I’m going to explain why the phrase that Newton discovered gravity is false and why that matters in terms of marketing.

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The Story of Newton Discovering Gravity

Now what I mean by ‘Newton didn’t discover gravity’ is a little bit of a semantic point. Sir Isaac Newton was a physicist or what they called back then a ‘Natural Philosopher’ when all of the sciences were combined.

The story goes that he was sitting under a tree, the apple fell on his head, and this allowed him to understand the idea of gravity and come up with a way to explain it.

Newton Didn’t Discover Gravity, He Described It

That last sentence I just said – “come up with a way to explain it” – is what I mean by the fact that he didn’t discover gravity.

Gravity was always there – we were all experiencing it. What Newton did was he figured out a way to describe gravity and he managed to describe gravity in a way that other people could understand it.

How Does Newton Describing Gravity Matter in Ethical Marketing?

So, why does this matter to marketing? Why this matters is because he learned how to describe a thing. He put it in words, or in equations, that other people could understand. And this is the core of ethical marketing.

Marketing is about communication. It is about education. It is not about deceiving someone on what your product is. It is about teaching them what your product does, how your product helps them solve a problem.

This is a really fundamental marketing principle but it’s also a fundamental ethical marketing principle. Because once you learn how to describe your product in the best way possible, you’re doing marketing and you’re doing it in an ethical way. You’re helping people solve their problems with your product and service.

I hoped you liked that little snippet of ethical marketing. It’s something I’m really passionate about and if you have any ideas or comments on ethical marketing, feel free to find me on LinkedIn, feel free to find me on any of the social media platforms (in the bar at the top of the page), or use the form below to get in touch – I would love to chat to you about it.