There’s a much-overlooked source for finding your strongest selling points that could be a game-changer for small businesses looking to improve the quality of their marketing message.
And you don’t even have to do much writing… (or thinking!)
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You may already have a gold mine at your disposal to find your selling points. Hi I’m DJ from Rainbow Dragon Digital and in today’s video I’m going to talk about a source where you could be finding loads of selling points and you might have missed it.
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So, this gold mine I’m talking about are your reviews!
If you don’t have reviews…
And if you don’t have reviews, then I’m sorry but you should be getting reviews! You should be asking your customers to please leave you reviews on Google, on Facebook, on LinkedIn, on wherever it is that your customer lives. Ask them: “Please, please, review us! We need your reviews!”
Don’t be afraid to beg for reviews! They’re really, really important to your business.
Have you been looking at your negative reviews?
And if you do have reviews I would hazard a guess that you have spent most of your time looking at the negative reviews. And you’ve got some negative reviews really burned into your head. They are like things that you remember so much. And they’re really front of mind when you’re making business decisions – you don’t want to disappoint a customer the way you did that one.
However, your negative reviews are not the place where you’re going to find the best way to grow your business and make your business better.
Your Positive Reviews Are Your Gold!
It is the positive reviews that are going to help you. What I mean by this is that your positive reviews are exactly the things that your customers were so happy about that they were willing to go on and write about it. That means they were so, so happy. They weren’t just satisfied, they were happy!
So you want to go and look back at your reviews. Go back and read through them again. Because it is not natural for us to absorb those positive reviews and keep them front of mind. So go back and review them. You might have forgotten some of the really, really good reviews.
And you know – that’s a nice exercise anyway it feels good to read good reviews.
Look at what was important to your customers
But more importantly, take a look at what they’re saying. Take a look at what are the things that were important to them. What are the things that really made you shine in their eyes? And those are your selling points. Those are the things that your customer genuinely cares about and those are things, if you don’t have them front and center on your website or on your marketing material wherever it is that you communicate with your customers, get it on there!
That is your gold. That is the thing that’s going to sell. That is the thing that is going to make new customers want to work with you.
I hope that helps. I hope that is a really quick thing that you can do right now and improve your marketing immediately and if you’re struggling with it or if you’re looking at your reviews and you’re not quite sure how to word it, please feel free to get in touch, I will be happy to help you as long as I have the time to do it.